Depto. Química Orgánica


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The azides can be obtained by nucleophilic substitution using sodium azide. This ion is a strong nucleophile while a weak base and therefore it easily leads to SN2 reactions, unless the reacting carbon is too crowded.
If the azide attack is performed on an epoxide, the ring opening proceeds regioselectively following the cuasi-SN2 mechanism at the less hindered position.
Click here to go to epoxide ring-opening reactions.
Azides yield amines by reduction. Therefore, the combined reaction of azide substitution and reduction allows one to get amines very conveniently.
One can also get ACYL-azides by an addition-elimination mechanism from acyl chlorides:
Click here to go to the addition-elimination mechanism.
ACYLAZIDES decompose by heating following the so-called Curtius rearrangement, a reaction closely related to the Hofmann rearrangement of amides: